Kudos to fellow blogger, SDA for raising this issue in one of her posts.
According to an article in the National Post, 180 Mexican illegal aliens, who were living in Florida have been allowed to enter Canada through the Windsor crossing, by Canadian border guards. Local Canadian agencies that work with refugees have been asked to brace for another 4000 to 8000 more Mexican refugees.
Mexicans pour into Canada from U.S
"Ortega's dream, as he recounted it Tuesday standing outside a room at a Windsor motel, is now but a memory. He is one of an estimated 180 Mexicans from Florida who've rushed across the border and into Windsor to claim refugee status, fleeing a crackdown on illegal aliens in Florida.
Local agencies that work with refugees have been told to brace for 4,000 to 8,000 refugee claimants."
"After driving his 1996 Grand Caravan for 24 hours without stopping -- except for gas and food -- the Ortegas arrived at the Windsor tunnel Sept. 11. When they told the border guard they were seeking refugee status, the Ortegas were given a list of social services organizations to contact for support"
The question that I have is why did the Canada border guards not turn these illegal Mexicans aliens back to the United States, as mandated by the Safe Third Country Agreement? Most of them are economic refugees, not facing any harm or persecution in their own home country.
I thought that there was an agreement between the United States and Canada, called The Safe Third Country Agreement that prevented refugees that arrived first in the United States from claiming refugee status in Canada.
Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement
"Under the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement, persons seeking refugee protection must make a claim in the first country they arrive in (United States or Canada), unless they qualify for an exception to the Agreement.
- Family member exceptions
- Unaccompanied minors exception
- Document holder exceptions
- Public interest exceptions
Immigration Canada needs to step up to the plate and start enforcing our immigration laws, otherwise Canada will soon be facing the same, out of control, illegal immigration problems that exist in US border states, such as California, Arizona and Texas.
This is why
"Under the U.S.-Canada Safe Third Country Agreement, asylum seekers from the United States would normally be turned back. But those coming through the United States from Mexico are an exception because the United States would require those people to have a visa, but Canada does not."
If Canada turns them away, they are no longer eligible to stay in the States due to their lack of a VISA. Under these circumstances, Canada has no choice but to keep them and process their "refugee" claim.
Right now that process takes a minimum of 18 months. After that, they can still appeal to a Federal Court and even after losing that appeal can seek to stay under hardship grounds. All told, it can take 3 to 4 years to complete each refugee claim.
BBS said...
“If Canada turns them away, they are no longer eligible to stay in the States due to their lack of a VISA. Under these circumstances, Canada has no choice but to keep them and process their "refugee" claim.”
I have no problem with genuine refugees that are fleeing their home country due to persecution, or because they fear for their lives. What I do have a problem with are economic refugees ( ie. cheats ) who cheats who think they have the right to jump the queue, to break the law and who feel entitled to free money and benefits while they do it.
I really hope that if there is a loophole that is allowing this travesty to take place, that parliament closes it.
The Mexicans have taken advantage of the situation by claiming refuge, not from Mexico, but from the USA.
They are claiming that the US Government is persecuting them for being in their country illegally and using law enforcement to hunt them down.
Since they cannot be returned to the USA for fear of removal due to being illegal and without proper visas (hence furthering the "persecution") Canada has to accept their claims!
I know it's a bunch of crap, but that's our bleeding heart system for you!
BBS > “If Canada turns them away, they are no longer eligible to stay in the States due to their lack of a VISA. Under these circumstances, Canada has no choice but to keep them and process their "refugee" claim.”
If this is the loophole being referred to I don’t see it. I’d have thought that when the Mexicans arrive ‘at’ the border they’re not ‘in' Canada until they’ve been legally admitted by customs and immigration. Until then they’re still technically in the U.S.A., albeit illegally, and can be turned away. Is Canada compelled to accept foreign law breakers? That should be grounds for automatic exclusion not admission.
But legitimate loophole or not, given the way this is being handled, our immigration brain-trust has decided to interpret it as such. This so-called 'loophole' should be closed ASAP, otherwise Canada becomes an automatic “refuge” for all 12 million Mexican illegals in the U.S. (and how many more of other nationalities).
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