Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Branda Martin Saga Continues

Unfortunately it looks like this Brenda Martin saga will continue. I had thought that the news story would have come to a merciful conclusion once she was released on parole, but I was wrong. It seems as if there is a vested interest by certain members of the MSM to keep her story alive and milk every ounce out of it, even though it lost its legs ages ago.

In one of the interviews, CTV Newsnet journalist, Paula Todd asked Brenda a very loaded question, almost as if she was egging her on to sue the federal government.

Paula Todd: "So have you ruled out any sort of legal action against the Federal Government?"

Brenda Martin: "...I never would say that I’ve ruled out anything in the future. Everything changes day to day.."

h/t Blue Like You - Brenda isn’t done with us yet (link)

It is laughable that she will even think of suing the Federal government, especially since they were responsible for paying her fine, expediting her transfer from Mexico to Canada and flying her home aboard a government jet at considerable expense to Canadian taxpayers. She has been in Canada for more than a week and she has yet to even say a simple thank you to the Canadian government.

Just to recap, the predicament that Brenda Martin found herself in, while in Mexico was of her own doing. Nobody forced her to leave the safety of Canada to live illegally in Mexico. Nobody forced her to become involved with a con man and a fraud artist. Nobody forced her to accept large deposits of money that was not hers in her bank account and to transfer it into other bank accounts on behalf of her ex-employer.

If any other person had accepted ill-gotten gains into their own bank account and transferred it to other accounts on behalf of a con man involved in a scheme, it would have been called money laundering. But since, according to her supporters and the MSM, Ms Martin is purer than snow and she did not know what she was doing, there is no way in the world that she could ever be guilty of such a thing.

She was not a baby or a teenager when she went to Mexico, she was a grown woman and she knew what she was doing.

It is amazing how the MSM absolves her of any responsibility in the decisions that she made and somehow try to pin this on Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The partisan manner in which they have covered this story in order to embarrass the Tories makes me want to barf.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you'll find brenda Martin has too great an interest in suing the government. There is something very fishy about this whole episode and I don't think she wants lawyers asking her a bunch of question that she can't answer.
She will, however, continue to snipe at the government with the sleazier elements of the press urging her on. They need some sort of story. This parliamentary session is beyond its best before date and people are generally ignoring the pathetic attempts by the opposition to find an issue that will hurt the Conservatives. All the press have to look forward to is a summer of Stephane Dion stumbling and bumbling as he tries to spin a tax increase into a no-tax-good-for-the-environment fairy tale.

Anonymous said...

The MSM has once again been deceived an manipulated by someone pretending to be a victim. It's amazing how she perfected the whole "crying on cue" and the "I am going to kill myself" routine while in prison in order to obtain her "get out of jail" free card, even though she ended up being convicted of money laundering.

There are more important news stories to be covered, now that she has been released, but the MSM refuses to let go of this one. As Tony, said, they want to milk every ounce out of this story.

Ontario Girl said...

Paula Todd spent the first 5 minutes of her interview with BM trying to get her to say something...anything , NEGATIVE against the CPC. BM DID say she would like to THANK the FEDERAL Government for fast tracking things, since her conviction was handed down in April. The media are shameless in their TOTAL BIAS against the CPC. It is so very obvious, to anyone with more than a pea for a brain. It almost seemed to me, that BM said what she said about NEVER SAY NEVER because Paula Todd wouldn't LET IT GO! Sickening.

Anonymous said...

In one of the interviews, CTV Newsnet journalist, Paula Todd asked Brenda a very loaded question, she was blatantly egging her on to sue the federal government.

/fixed that for ya.

Anonymous said...

Typical MSM coverage... If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be something bad the CPC did...

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about this is that she will not be off parol for 5 years... so we won't be paying to house her in a Canadian Prison

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Thanks for the link!

The whole thing is nauseating. I'm not sure who's using whom more here but the Liberals, the media and Brenda Martin sure are in each other's back pockets.

Anonymous said...

Did I not already say in these pages on this site that this lady was a frickin' commie? Sure looks like the hood is off the witch to me. (real conservative)